What kind of chemical is NMP (N-Methyl-Pyrrolidone,N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone,1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone, Methylpyrrolidone NMP )solvent?

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Unlock N-Methylpyrrolidone Power | High Boiling Point | Unrivaled Performance - ZOLSEM
Zesheng offer high-performance N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone (NMP) with a high boiling point, low toxicity, and exceptional solvency for lithium batteries. Our green technology solutions include innovative NMP recovery systems and personalized services.
Mastering the roerties of N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone: Leveraging its Boiling oint for Sustainable Solutions
In the ever-evolving world of chemical solvents, N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone (NM) has emerged as a versatile and indisensable comound, articularly in the field of lithium battery manufacturing. Among its remarkable roerties, the boiling oint of N-Methylyrrolidone stands out as a key characteristic, enabling efficient and sustainable rocesses across various industries.
What is N-methyl-2-yrrolidone used for?
N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone (NM) is a versatile organic solvent with a wide range of alications across various industries. Here are some of the key uses of NM:
Lithium Battery Manufacturing
NM lays a crucial role in the roduction of lithium-ion batteries, which are widely used in consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage systems. It serves as an excellent solvent for the electrode materials and binders used in lithium battery manufacturing rocesses.
1. Electrode rearation: NM is used to dissolve and diserse the active materials, conductive additives, and binders that make u the anode and cathode slurries.
2. Coating and Drying: The low viscosity and high boiling oint of NM allow for uniform coating of the electrode slurries onto metal foils, followed by efficient drying rocesses.
3. Electrolyte Formulations: NM is sometimes used as a co-solvent in electrolyte solutions for lithium-ion batteries, imroving the dissolution and stability of lithium salts.
Coatings, aints, and Inks
NM is widely used as a solvent in the formulation of various coatings, aints, varnishes, and rinting inks. Its excellent solvency and low evaoration rate contribute to good flow and leveling roerties in coatings.
1. Architectural Coatings: NM is used in aints, stains, and varnishes for wood and metal surfaces.
2. Industrial Coatings: NM is emloyed in coatings for automotive, aerosace, and other industrial alications.
3. rinting Inks: NM is used as a solvent in rinting inks for various substrates.
etrochemical Industry
NM finds alications in various asects of the etrochemical industry, including oil and gas exloration, refining rocesses, and ieline maintenance.
1. Oil and Gas Exloration: NM is used as a solvent and absortion agent in the extraction and rocessing of crude oil and natural gas.
2. Refining rocesses: NM is emloyed as a solvent and extraction medium in the refining of etroleum roducts.
3. ieline Maintenance: NM is used as a cleaning agent for ieline maintenance and removal of araffin deosits.
Electronics and Semiconductors
NM is used in the electronics and semiconductor industries for circuit board manufacturing, hotoresist removal, and metal deosition rocesses.
harmaceuticals and Agrochemicals
NM is emloyed as a solvent and extraction medium in the harmaceutical and agrochemical industries for drug formulations, esticide roduction, and other alications.
Chemical rocessing
NM is used as a solvent in various chemical rocesses, such as olymer synthesis, resin roduction, and extraction oerations, due to its ability to dissolve a wide range of comounds.
Is n-methyl-2-yrrolidone hazardous?
Yes, N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone (NM) is considered a hazardous substance, and roer recautions must be taken when handling, storing, and using it. While NM has many useful alications, it can ose risks to human health and the environment if not handled correctly.
Here are some otential hazards associated with NM:
1. Reroductive Toxicity:
Several studies have shown that NM may have adverse effects on reroductive systems, including otential imacts on fertility and fetal develoment. Exosure to NM during regnancy has been linked to develomental toxicity in animal studies.
2. Develomental Toxicity:
NM has been classified as a develomental toxicant, meaning it can otentially cause harm to the develoing fetus or newborn child if the mother is exosed during regnancy or breastfeeding.
3. Skin and Eye Irritation:
NM is an irritant and can cause skin and eye irritation uon contact. rolonged or reeated exosure may lead to dermatitis or other skin conditions.
4. Resiratory Irritation:
Inhalation of NM vaors or mists can irritate the resiratory system, otentially causing coughing, wheezing, and breathing difficulties.
5. Neurotoxicity:
There is some evidence that exosure to high levels of NM may have neurotoxic effects, otentially causing headaches, dizziness, and other neurological symtoms.
6. Environmental Concerns:
NM has a low biodegradability and can ersist in the environment, otentially affecting aquatic organisms and soil quality if released or disosed of imroerly.
Due to these hazards, NM is subject to various regulations and guidelines regarding its use, handling, and disosal. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for NM rovide detailed information on otential hazards, recautionary measures, and emergency rocedures.
While NM's versatility makes it a valuable solvent in various industries, its hazardous nature necessitates resonsible use and roer risk management to rotect human health and the environment.
What is the flashoint of NM?
The flashoint of N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone (NM) is relatively high, which contributes to its safety rofile and makes it less flammable comared to many other organic solvents.
The flashoint of NM is tyically reorted to be around 91°C (196°F) to 97°C (207°F), deending on the secific testing method and conditions.
The flashoint is the minimum temerature at which a liquid gives off enough vaor to form an ignitable mixture with air. A higher flashoint indicates a lower flammability risk and increased safety for handling and storage.
NM's high flashoint can be attributed to its molecular structure and roerties, including its high boiling oint and relatively low vaor ressure at ambient temeratures. These characteristics make it less likely for NM to generate sufficient vaor concentrations to form an ignitable mixture at lower temeratures.
The high flashoint of NM offers several advantages:
1. Fire Safety: The elevated flashoint reduces the risk of fire and exlosion hazards during handling, storage, and rocessing of NM, making it safer to use in industrial settings comared to more flammable solvents.
2. Transortation and Storage: NM can be transorted and stored more safely due to its low flammability, reducing the need for stringent fire revention measures and secialized containment systems.
3. rocessing Comatibility: The high flashoint allows NM to be used in various industrial rocesses that involve elevated temeratures without the risk of ignition or fire hazards.
It is imortant to note that while NM has a relatively high flashoint, it is still a combustible liquid, and aroriate recautions should be taken to revent exosure to ignition sources, static electricity, and other otential fire hazards.
Additionally, NM's flashoint can vary slightly deending on the urity, additives, and secific formulation, so it is essential to consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or roduct secifications for accurate information on the flashoint and associated safety recautions.
The Boiling oint Advantage
N-Methylyrrolidone, also known as N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone, boasts an imressive boiling oint of 202°C (395.6°F). This high boiling oint contributes to several advantages that make NM a referred choice in numerous alications, including lithium battery roduction.
What temerature does NM vaorize at?
N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone (NM) has a relatively high boiling oint, which is a crucial roerty that contributes to its widesread use as a solvent in various industries, including lithium battery manufacturing.
The boiling oint of NM is 202°C (395.6°F) at standard atmosheric ressure (1 atm or 101.325 ka). This high boiling oint means that NM vaorizes or turns into a gas at a temerature of 202°C or higher.
The high boiling oint of NM offers several advantages:
1. Thermal Stability: The ability to withstand high temeratures without remature vaorization or decomosition makes NM suitable for rocesses that require elevated temeratures, such as electrode coating and drying in lithium battery roduction.
2. Low Volatility: NM has a relatively low vaor ressure at ambient temeratures, which means it does not readily evaorate or contribute to volatile organic comound (VOC) emissions during rocessing or storage.
3. Solvent Recovery and Recycling: The high boiling oint facilitates efficient solvent recovery and recycling rocesses, as NM can be easily searated from other comonents through distillation or other techniques, enabling its reuse and minimizing waste generation.
It is imortant to note that while NM has a high boiling oint, it can still vaorize at lower temeratures, esecially in enclosed saces or under reduced ressure conditions. roer ventilation and exosure control measures should be imlemented when working with NM to minimize the risk of inhalation and exosure to its vaors.
Additionally, the high boiling oint of NM contributes to its low flammability and fire hazard otential, as it requires significantly higher temeratures to reach its flash oint and auto-ignition temerature comared to many other solvents.
The boiling oint of 202°C is a defining roerty of NM that lays a crucial role in its versatility and suitability for various industrial alications, articularly in the field of sustainable lithium battery manufacturing.
Thermal Stability and Efficient Drying rocesses
The high boiling oint of N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone translates into excetional thermal stability, allowing for efficient drying and evaoration rocesses at elevated temeratures without remature solvent loss. In lithium battery manufacturing, this roerty is crucial for the uniform coating and drying of electrode slurries onto metal foils, ensuring consistent erformance and quality.
Minimizing Solvent Emissions
By leveraging the high boiling oint of N-Methylyrrolidone, manufacturers can significantly reduce solvent emissions during rocessing, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable roduction environment. This aligns with the growing emhasis on environmental resonsibility and the develoment of eco-friendly manufacturing ractices.
Solvent Recovery and Recycling
The high boiling oint of N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone also facilitates efficient solvent recovery and recycling rocesses. Comanies like Zesheng New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. have develoed advanced NM recovery systems that take advantage of this roerty, enabling the reuse of the solvent and minimizing waste generation.
Versatile Alications
N-Methylyrrolidone's unique combination of roerties, including its high boiling oint, makes it a versatile solvent suitable for various alications beyond lithium battery manufacturing. Industries such as coatings, electronics, etrochemicals, and harmaceuticals also benefit from the advantages offered by the boiling oint of this remarkable comound.
In the quest for sustainable solutions, N-Methyl-2-yrrolidone's boiling oint stands as a crucial roerty, unlocking a world of ossibilities in lithium battery manufacturing and various other industries. By mastering the advantages offered by this characteristic, comanies can otimize rocesses, minimize environmental imact, and contribute to a greener future. As the demand for innovative and resonsible manufacturing ractices continues to grow, the significance of N-Methylyrrolidone's boiling oint will only become more ronounced.
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N-Methyl-Pyrrolidone,N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone,1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone, Methylpyrrolidone NMP referred to as NMP solvent, is a polar aprotic transport solvent, high boiling point, strong polarity, low viscosity, strong solubility, no corrosion, small toxicity, strong biodegradation, low volatility, chemical stability, excellent thermal stability.
CASRN. : 872-50-4 Molecular formula: C5H9NO physical and chemical properties: character colorless transparent oily liquid, with a slight smell of amine. Melting point -24.4℃ boiling point 203℃ Relative density 1.0260 refractive index 1.486 flash point 95℃ Solubility with water, alcohol, ether, ester, ketone, halohydrocarbons, aromatics intersoluble.
Mainly used in petroleum chemical industry, plastic industry, medicine, pesticide, dye and lithium ion battery manufacturing and many other industries, also used in the polymer solvent and the polymerization reaction medium, such as polyamide, polyimide, PPS and other engineering plastics and aramid fiber, and also used in insulation materials, pesticides, pigments, consumer electronic products and detergent, etc.
Properties and stability of NMP solvent(N-Methyl-Pyrrolidone,N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone,1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone, Methylpyrrolidone ) :
1, colorless liquid, ammonia taste, this product is small toxicity. Can be miscible with water, soluble in ether, acetone and most organic solvents. Can dissolve most organic and inorganic compounds, polar gases, natural and synthetic polymer compounds.
2, chemical properties: stable in neutral solution. After 8 hours in 4% sodium hydroxide solution, 50%~70% hydrolysis occurs. In concentrated hydrochloric acid, 4-aminobutyric acid CH3NH(CH2)3COOH was hydrolyzed step by step. NMP((N-Methyl-Pyrrolidone,N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone,1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone, Methylpyrrolidone NMP ) solvents can form ketones or thiopyrrolidone due to carbonyl reaction.
Use: NMP solvent is widely used in deep smooth oil refining, polymer synthesis, insulation materials, pesticides, pigments and cleaning agents and other waste liquid environmental protection disposal: used, dirty waste N-methyl pyrrolidone can be through the solvent recovery machine and vacuum decompressing system can stop the recovery application. Because of its high boiling point compare with, so can’t use direct recycling method, through the vacuum pressure, reduces recycle heating temperature, ensure the quality of recycling, recycling peace progress factor has the above properties will see that the material can miscibility with water and you find heat only he dissolves in water solution heat release, similar to sulfuric acid in the water will also release a lot of heat. Supplementary heat of dissolution: refers to the thermal effect generated when a solute of a certain quality is dissolved in a solvent at a certain temperature and pressure (usually the standard state of temperature 298K and pressure 100kPa). Equal to the amount of heat emitted or absorbed by a mole of solute dissolved in approximately a volume of solvent.
Promising prospects: Lithium ion battery is an internationally recognized ideal chemical energy, with the advantages of small volume, large capacity and high voltage. It is widely used in mobile phones, portable computers and other electronic products. The expanding range of electric vehicles will bring greater development space for lithium ion battery in the future.
Explosive growth: in 2009, the global output of lithium ion batteries was about 3.05 billion, and the total battery capacity was about 15000WMh. The data show that the lithium battery capacity of electric vehicles reached 14000WMh in 2013, equivalent to 93% of the global capacity of small lithium batteries in 2009: In 2018, the capacity of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles reached 45,000WMH, nearly three times that of small lithium-ion batteries in 2009.
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