Train derailment and toxic gas spread in the US, Talking about safety and health.

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Train derailment and toxic gas spread in the US,
Talking about safety and health.
ZESHENG, a chemical company and quality supplier of NMP(N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone), has also recently been following news reports of a train derailment and the spread of toxic gases in Ohio, USA.

First of all, let’s spread the basic knowledge of the toxic gases that spread in Ohio, USA:
1. Vinyl chloride: an important industrial raw material, highly toxic, half a gram can kill a rat instantly, has been used in the production of chemical weapons, and is a class 1 carcinogen, even at very low levels it has a strong carcinogenic effect.
2. When burned, vinyl chloride produces a variety of strange carcinogens, including the king of all poisons and the most carcinogenic compound known to man: dioxins.

Although sources read on the internet claim that the toxin levels in hundreds of air samples taken in the area of the accident were all within the full national standard, the EPA says that local drinking water monitoring indicators have been safe.
But what residents returning home actually saw was a toxic cloud of the sky; the whole town was black.
The picture below shows the actual view of returning residents on 10 February.

Local chickens, ducks, and some wildlife also began to die in large numbers, with the furthest deaths occurring as far as 100 kilometers from the center of the accident.
According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, health, and environmental concerns remain in the wake of the derailment and inferno in Ohio, a toxic gas spread that affected about seven and a half miles of streams. As of February 8, an estimated 3,500 fish had died.

Timeline of the toxic gas spill:
- When the train derailed out of control on 3 February, thousands of residents around the area were evacuated in an emergency.
- On 6 February, the US government ignited hazardous materials for incineration.
- On 8 February, the US government issued a notice that all hazards had been removed, local air quality was good, water quality was good and residents were asked to return home immediately and continue their normal lives.
- The local government said that the levels of toxins in hundreds of air samples taken in the area of the accident were all within the full national standards, and the EPA said that local drinking water monitoring indicators had been safe.
Safety and health issues have always been of great concern to us as human beings.

In order to protect the environment, the ZESHENG team has also developed a matching NMP(N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone) waste recovery plant and a tailor-made NMP waste recovery solution for our customers.
Because it is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment and to care for the planet on which mankind depends.
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